Now hiring!

The Marie Curie FP7 Integrated Training network EUTRAIN is now hiring 14 Early stage Researchers (ESR) for a wide variety of jobs all in translational research in childhood arthritis. The researchers will be allocated with 10 different partners. The researchers will receive a 36 month research contract with an extensive and elaborate training program in translational medicine.

For information please contact us at


European Translational tRaining for Autoimmunity & Immune manipulation Network EUTRAIN is a research and training Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) focused on translational research in pediatric rheumatology. The mission of this pan-European project is to empower young researchers with the goal to enable them to capitalize on advances in human biology in order and translate this knowledge into novel tools for diagnosis, prognosis and/or treatment of immune mediated disease
The proposal was awarded in the FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN call, after receiving very favorable scores in the evaluation process (97 out max 100). The project officially started January 1st 2012 and is coordinated by prof Berent Prakken from University Medical Center Utrecht.